
Thank you for the support you have been providing. We are now in a position to make the content on the website freely available and will therefore be providing the following membership tiers in due course:

1. Free Membership (Listener Tier)
Price: Free


  • Podcast Access: Full access to all public podcast episodes.
  • New posts: posts will be emailed

Ideal For: Casual listeners who enjoy the podcast and want to explore the community at no cost.

2. Supporting Membership (Reader Tier)
Price: £5/month or £55/year

All Free Membership Features plus:

  • Newsletter: Regular newsletters on updates and developments
  • Course Discounts: 10% discount on all courses.
  • The Hikmah Project Community forum access

Ideal For: Regular listeners who want to deepen their engagement with the content and community.

1% of donations are used to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. If you have any financial difficulty and can't afford the monthly/yearly membership fee, please get in touch by emailing

One off Contibutions :

Support The Hikmah Project, through a one-off donation.We aspire to run online events and courses, for which we would need additional staffing and resources.

One off payments: