New Course: Grammar of the Hearts with Dr Hany Ibrahim - Level 1 Course

New Course: Grammar of the Hearts with Dr Hany Ibrahim - Level 1 Course
Photo by Duniah almasri / Unsplash

An introductory course in Qur’anic Arabic with application to mystical texts

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ

Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand. (Qur’an 12:2)

Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim completed his PhD in Religious Studies at the University of Calgary. He is teaching at the University of Calgary and Mount Royal University, Canada. He specializes In pre-modern Islamic thought, Arabic Sufi literature, and Islamic art and architecture. He has recently published a book on Ibn 'Arabi entitled Love in the Teachings of Ibn 'Arabi (2023)

Aims & Objectives
The language of Ibn Arabi is that of the Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh). This is the first of three part Arabic course on Qur'anic Arabic with application to mystical texts. We will learn the foundations of sarf (morphology)/nahu (grammar) followed by application to a mystical text to explore inner and metaphysical meanings. The sessions are split into two parts:

Part 1: Arabic Study Circle
The core text used will be Lisaan'ul Qur'an: Based on the renowned text Nahul Wadeh, this text is a tried and tested approach for non-Arabs to learn classical Arabic by acquainting students with the Arabic of the Qur'an from the outset. The session will take a workshop format in which students work together and 'learn by doing'.

Part 2: Application to Mystical Texts
Qushayr's Nahu al Qulub will be used by Dr Hany Ibrahim to explore the metaphysical meanings behind words and grammar for spiritual cultivation.

In level 1, the primary texts for application will be the Wazifah Ibn Mashish, Ibn Arabi's Prayers of the Week (Wird) and his Salat al-Faydiyyah, The Mishkat al-Anwar of Ibn Arabi (101 Hadith Qudsi).

Following the level 1 course, students can proceed to level 2 and level 3, offering a comprehensive curriculum over 2 to 3 years.

Our approach is to learn through practice and allow time for reflection on the inner and metaphysical meanings of Arabic words and sentences. We won’t be using exegesis to interpret Qur’anic Arabic, but allow esoteric and exoteric meanings to be understood from the words and grammar structures themselves. We also take a constructivist approach to knowledge building by actively encouraging discussion, peer learning and allowing space for ‘openings’ and sharing of insights.

The course is designed for beginners. Participants should however be able to recite Arabic (without knowing the meaning). If you require lessons in Arabic pronunciation and tajweed rules please email



Level 1 will be 20 sessions delivered over 20 weeks beginning on Sunday 19th November 2023.
The sessions will be recorded for self-paced study for participants who may not be able to attend a session (In the future these may be published as a self-paced 'on-demand' course).

Part 1: Arabic Study Circle: 4.00-5.00pm Sunday GMT UK Time *

Part 2: Application to Mystical Texts - Sunday 5.30-6.30 PM GMT UK Time *

*Estimated duration/time and may change depending on participants

Course Details

Level 1 will be 20 sessions delivered over approximately 20 weeks

Level 1

  • Word and its classification
  • The Definitive and Indefinite
  • The Masculine and Feminine Gender
  • An Introduction to Declension
  • The singular, the dual and the plural
  • The Arabic Sentence
  • Prepositions
  • The Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Detached Personal Pronouns in the Nominative Form
  • The Adjectival Phrase
  • The Idafa Phrase
  • Pronouns attached to nouns and particles
  • Positional Declension
  • Interrogative Pronouns
  • Inna and her sisters
  • The five nouns
  • The Verb and the Perfect Tense
  • The Adverbs of Time and Place
  • Kana and her sisters
  • The Relative Pronoun


  • Do I need to be muslim? No, anyone is welcome
  • Can I get a refund - there will be a 7 day grace period from the start of the course, during which time you can request a refund with no questions asked

We have tried to be as flexible as possible, allowing both monthly and single payments while allowing a variety of payment options.

Heart Overflow £349

Course fee + Support another's scholarship

Enroll Now

One Heart - £299

Course Fee Only

Enroll Now

Open Heart - £249

Reduced Rate

Enroll Now

Finance should never be a reason not to participate. If you require an alternative payment plan or scholarship, please email

The course Zoom link and other details will be posted here a week before the course start date for members to access