#21 Purification of the Gnostics - A Poem by Ibn Arabi

Dr Sheikh Usama Hasan reads purification of the gnostics by Ibn Arabi.

Sh Usama is a trained physicist and astronomer. He holds an MA in Physics and Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge, where his teachers included the late Professor Stephen Hawking. Usama was Planetarium Lecturer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich (2006-8), and is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Usama Hasan is a traditionally-trained, Kenyan-born British imam of Arab-Turkic-Indian-Pakistani origin. He has traditional certification in the Qur'an (reading of Hafs) and Hadith texts from shaykhs of the Ahl al-Hadith tradition of India and Pakistan, whose chains of transmission go back to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, via Shah Waliullah of Delhi, the Hadith master and Naqshbandi Sufi Shaykh. Usama has is further certified in the Warsh reading of the Qur'an from a Moroccan shaykh, and in the Duri / Abu 'Amr reading from the Nubian shaykhs of Kibera (Nairobi, Kenya). Usama has further permission to teach Ibn 'Arabi from contemporary Sufi shaykhs, including a leading Naqshbandi teacher.

Summary of Podcast: Purification of the Gnostics

Greetings and Welcome:
As-salāmu ʿalaykum. My name is Saqib, your host on The Ḥikmah Project. We are looking forward to the last month of Ramadan. InshāʾAllāh, we will start a Ramadan circle on Ibn ʿArabī’s Mysteries of Fasting with Sheikh Hassan Hassan, reading chapters from the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya every Sunday. Details are available on the website. We also plan to have a mystical Qurʾān reading circle with Ifat Najiba and a regular dhikr circle. Your contributions and donations are much appreciated as they help us develop and grow our programmes. Links for contributions can be found on the website.

This month, I will be speaking to Dr. Fozia, a Sufi teacher and the daughter-in-law of Sidi Mohamed Gemoh. God willing, we will have a podcast with her. She is one of the most creative, humorous, and wise Sufi teachers I have met, and I am very much looking forward to our conversation.

Introducing Sheikh Usama Hassan:
Today, we will be hearing from Sheikh Usama Hassan. I first met him some years ago in a park while reading his fatwā on fasting. There was a debate about how many hours one should fast during the summer. My friends in the Murabitun ṭarīqa took a more flexible approach during the summer, equating the fasting period to that in Mecca. Sheikh Usama's fatwā emphasised a balanced approach to Ramadan when fasting hours exceed 16 hours. I was surprised to learn that Sheikh Usama regularly reads the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya in Arabic and has a deep interest in Ibn ʿArabī.

Sheikh Usama is a trained imam with a chain of ḥadīth transmission through Shah Waliullah of Delhi. He is also well-versed in Western metaphysics, perennialism, and has a profound interest in Ibn ʿArabī. Moreover, he is a physicist with an MA in Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge, where he studied under the late Professor Stephen Hawking.

Discussion on Ibn ʿArabī's Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya:
Sheikh Usama will read from Chapter 66 of the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya on the purification of the Gnostics, starting with a poem that sets the scene for the chapter on fasting. Ibn ʿArabī seamlessly integrates legal opinions, grammar, and metaphysics in his works, making no distinction between the outer and inner dimensions of the Sharia.

Insights from Sheikh Usama:
Ibn ʿArabī’s Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya is one of the most extraordinary pieces of mystical literature within the Islamic tradition. Chapter 66 focuses on the secret of the Sharia, encompassing both outward and inward aspects. Ibn ʿArabī delves into purification, prayer, fasting, zakāh, and ḥajj, focusing on the inner meanings of these practices. He describes outward forms and inner dimensions, often mentioning differing views and his own preferences based on the Qurʾān and ḥadīth.

Ibn ʿArabī’s mysticism is deeply literal, focusing on the profound meanings of the words in the Qurʾān and ḥadīth. Sheikh Usama explains the symbolism behind each act of purification, showing their spiritual significance. For instance, using an odd number of stones for cleansing after using the toilet signifies maintaining the tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Washing one's face correctly signifies having proper modesty and the lifting of spiritual veils.

Sheikh Usama’s reflections on Ibn ʿArabī’s work highlight the integration of outer and inner dimensions in Islamic practices. This podcast offers profound insights into the mystical aspects of the Sharia, enriching our understanding of spiritual purification. Thank you for joining us on The Ḥikmah Project.

Transcript of the Podcast:

Saqib: As-salāmu ʿalaykum. Welcome everyone. My name is Saqib, your host on The Ḥikmah Project. I hope you are all well, and we are very much looking forward to the last month of Ramadan. InshāʾAllāh, this coming month we will be starting a Ramadan circle on Ibn ʿArabī's Mysteries of Fasting with Sheikh Hassan Hassan. We will be reading from the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya every Sunday. More details are available on the website. We may also have a mystical Qurʾān reading circle with Ifat Najiba, where we explore mystical commentary and share verses and commentary that haven't been translated before. Additionally, we have a regular dhikr circle. Please get in touch if you are interested. As ever, your contributions and donations are very much appreciated, helping us develop programmes and initiatives and giving us the scope to grow. Visit the website to make monthly or one-off contributions.

This month, I am also speaking to Dr. Fozia, a Sufi teacher and the daughter-in-law of Sidi Mohamed Gemoh. God willing, we will have a podcast with her. She is one of the most creative, humour-filled, and wise Sufi teachers I have met, and I am looking forward to our conversation.

Right, in today's podcast, we will be hearing from Sheikh Usama Hassan. I initially met Sheikh Usama some years ago in a park. At that time, I had been reading his fatwā on fasting, particularly during the summer period, when the fasting hours extend beyond 16 hours. My friends in the Murabitun ṭarīqa took a more flexible approach, equating the fasting period to that of Mecca. Sheikh Usama's fatwā provided a balanced approach to Ramadan. To my surprise, he was well-versed in Ibn ʿArabī and regularly reads the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya in Arabic, feeling there is no text quite like it. I was fascinated by his background as a trained imam with a chain of ḥadīth transmission through Shah Waliullah of Delhi, his knowledge of Western metaphysics, and his deep interest in Ibn ʿArabī. Moreover, he is a physicist with an MA in Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge, where he studied under the late Professor Stephen Hawking. More details about his academic background are available on the website.

Today, he will be reading from Chapter 66 of the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya on the purification of the Gnostics, starting with a poem that sets the scene for the chapter on fasting. Ibn ʿArabī's perspective seamlessly integrates the Sharia's outer and inner aspects, along with legal opinions, grammar, and metaphysics.

Sheikh Usama Hassan: As-salāmu ʿalaykum Saqib.

Saqib: Waʿalaykum as-salām. Welcome to The Ḥikmah Project. It's wonderful to finally have you with us.

Sheikh Usama Hassan: Thank you, al-ḥamdu lillāh. I am honoured to be here.

Saqib: So, today we plan to delve into Ibn ʿArabī's perspective on the inner dimensions of the Sharia. Where do we start, and what do you suggest we talk about?

Sheikh Usama Hassan: Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. As you mentioned, one writer has said that this is one of the most extraordinary pieces of writing in any mystical literature, certainly within the Islamic tradition. In Chapter 66 of the Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya, Ibn ʿArabī discusses the secret of the Sharia, focusing on both its outward and inward aspects. He begins with the shahāda, the first pillar of Islam, and then delves into purification, prayer, fasting, zakāh, and ḥajj. His entire focus is on the inner meanings of these practices.

Saqib: Can you share some of the poetry from this chapter and explain its significance?

Sheikh Usama Hassan: Of course. Here is an excerpt from the poetry about the secrets of purification:

"فَتَبَصَّرُوا سِرَّ الطَّهَارَةِ وَاضِحًا
لِلسَّاهِرِينَ أُلَاءَ ذِي التَّبْصِيرِ"

"وَكَمْ مُطَهَّرَةٍ لَمْ يَتَّصِفْ بِهَا
إِذَا جَنَتْ مِنْ بَحْرِ عِلْمٍ حَدُودُهَا"

"وَلَوْ خَاضَ بَحْرًا عَامِرًا بِأَمْوَاجِهِ
لَمْ يُحْصِلِ التَّطْهِيرَ إِلَّا وَاقِعِي"

"فَإِنْ شَفَعَتْ فَإِنَّ شَفَاعَةَ مُرْسَلٍ
وَإِنْ وَافَقَتْ فَالْوَافِقُ الْمَنْفُورُ"

Ibn ʿArabī emphasises that understanding the secret of purification is clear for those who are awake and perceptive. Many outwardly pure people do not truly embody purification if they do not cross into the ocean of direct knowledge. Even if one spent their life diving into an ocean full of waves, without annihilating oneself into the ocean of reality, true purification would not be achieved.

He explains the significance of small details, which may seem irrelevant to some but are based on the knowledge he provides. For instance, using an odd number of stones for cleansing after using the toilet signifies following the tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Saqib: That is quite profound. Can you elaborate on the significance of washing and the symbolism behind it?

Sheikh Usama Hassan: Certainly. For example, washing one's face correctly symbolises having proper shame and modesty. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that washing the face cleanses the sins of the eyes. Ibn ʿArabī adds that it also corrects one's shame and modesty, allowing one to hold their head up high in life and have spiritual veils lifted.

He also mentions the importance of washing one's hands, which symbolises trusting in God. When washing hands in wuḍūʾ, it is a reminder to wash away the causes of duality and to trust God completely.

Ibn ʿArabī seamlessly integrates these legal opinions, grammar, and metaphysics, making no distinction between the outer and inner dimensions of the Sharia.

Saqib: Thank you for sharing these insights. It truly enriches our understanding of spiritual purification. This podcast offers profound insights into the mystical aspects of the Sharia. Thank you for joining us on The Ḥikmah Project.

Sheikh Usama Hassan: Waʿalaykum as-salām. It was an honour to be here.

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