Journaling Circle - Secrets of Divine Love: Insight Reflections that Inspire Hope and Faith

Thank you for joining the Hikmah Project Reading Circle - Secrets of Divine Love

The Hikmah Project is pleased to announce an online journaling circle on the Secrets of Divine Love

Aims: We aim to create an unconditional and non-judgemental space to encourage mindful listening, speaking, and higher-order reflective thinking. When possible, we will invite a guest speaker/teacher in a session to offer 'sohbet' or intimate spiritual discourse. The circle is open to all people of faith and no faith, both beginners and experienced wayfarers on the Path. For more details on our approach, please see Hikmah Project Circles

When: Each Sunday 7pm GMT Time Beginning 26th Jan 23

Where: The sessions will take place online. Participants will be sent a webinar link with joining instructions and access to a social media group for discussion

Materials: Core reading material: Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insight Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith - participants should purchase a copy before the session and may wish to obtain the book Secrets of Divine Love by Helwa too. The course will be supplemented with related reading material from Ibn Arabi, Rumi etc.

Approach: After an introductory session on the 26th Jan 23, we will have weekly sessions of up to 1-1.5 hours, covering a chapter of the book followed by another session on reflective journaling. We will begin with an intention, short reading followed by a sharing of reflections.

0 - Introductory session

1 - Allah: the Origin of Love

2 - Who Are You?

3: The Mysterious World of the Qur'an

4: The Spiritual Dimensions of Islam

5: Tawba: Repent and Return to Unity

6: Shahadah: The Ecstacy of Oneness

7: Salat: How to Tune into Divine Love

8: Zakat: Giving as an Instrument of God

9: Ramadan: The Holy Month of Fasting

10: Hajj: A Pilrimage to God

11 - The Spiritual Secrets of Death

12 - The Mysteries of Heaven and Hell

13 - You Are Loved

Cost: Please pay using the following link below

1% of donations are used to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

If you have any financial difficulty or for further details or any questions, please email

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