I’m a participant in The Secrets of Divine Love reading circle and the Ramadan circles led by Imam Abdul Karim. I’m very grateful to Allah to have guided me to the Hikma Project and to enable me to join these projects and circles. As a revert, I came to Islam through Sufism/ Islamic spirituality with an interest in Islamic metaphysics. For me, the Hikma Project is an enclave for these ideas to be explored and discussed, and on how they can be practiced within our din. The community here is very gentle, loving, and supportive. It’s such a joy to be in the circles receiving guidance, light, and insights in both the Ramadan Quran circle and the reading group. I am deeply moved by them after each session and have really strengthened my love of the din. They have supported and guided me on my journey I’m eternally grateful. May Allah grant this project success so that more seekers can be reached and benefit from it. Ameen. - Bo
Absolutely amazing content. Each guest is a practitioner and a master of their domain. Immensely beneficial knowledge with breadcrumbs and context to follow if one was interested in knowing and following more. Engaging interviewing style. - Shafique Memon
The Hikmah project is a welcoming place to learn and share for all. I am in eternal gratitude to the light that this project has added to my study of Sufism. The subject matter is always enriching as we learn about our hearts’ capabilities through humility and service to others. Bassem
The quality of the podcasts is excellent profound relevant deep questions are asked. The choice of the guests is superb - Nur
I thoroughly enjoyed attending the reading circle for the ‘Secret of Divine Love’. It was well organised and inclusive. We came together to share our thoughts on each chapter, to reflect on what it meant to us and share personal experiences. I felt Saqib created a safe space for everyone to be open and share relatable personal experiences without the fair of being judged. Thank you Saqib. I look forward to attending future reading circles 🙏🏽 - Nafisa
I have listened to the podcasts and joined a reading group for one of the books. Podcasts were wonderful and helped me a lot. Transport ed me to connect to people and places, Just so many truths that I can relate to. Very interesting and hugely knowledgeable people interviewed on the podcasts. So many wonderful journeys related to the listener! I’ve listened to practically all of them. Thank you Saqib. May Allah bless you for your efforts (through these podcasts) in helping on the path to hikmah! - Amira Khan
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