podcast #26 The Last of the Muslims: Amīr ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jazāʾirī with Dr Lahouari Ramzi Taleb Guest Dr Lahouari Ramzi Taleb was born and raised in the beautiful
#25 The Journey of Divine Love with Murshida Salima Adelstein Salima Adelstein is Co-President of UoS and Academic Dean for the Spiritual
#24 Journeying Beyond the Horizons with Allama Iqbal - In Conversation with Humaira Masihuddin Guest: Humaira Masihuddin Humaira Masihuddin is a lawyer based in Islamabad and
#23 The Heart of Business with Mark Silver Podcast Summary: Heart of Business - Episode with Mark Silver Introduction: * Host
Ramadan Circle - The Mystical Qur'an We are pleased to announce a Ramadan circle on The Mystical Qur&
#22 Witnessing the Divine Face in the East and West with Dr Fawzia Al-Rawi Fawzia Al-Rawi holds a PhD in Islamic studies. She completed her Arabic,
#21 Purification of the Gnostics - A Poem by Ibn Arabi Dr Sheikh Usama Hasan reads purification of the gnostics by Ibn Arabi.
Ramdan Circle: Ibn Al-'Arabi on the Mysteries of Fasting We are pleased to announce a Ramadan circle with Dr. Sh Usama
#20 Signs on the Horizons with Michael Sugich Michael Sugich, an American writer who was initiated into a traditional Sufi
course Writing from the Heart Course with Jamila Davies - Feb 24 We are delighted to announce another six week writing course with Jamila
podcast #19 Writing from the Heart with Jamila Davies Writing for me is a process of opening to what T.S.
Ibn Arabi New Course: Grammar of the Hearts with Dr Hany Ibrahim - Level 1 Course An introductory course in Qur’anic Arabic with application to mystical texts