#15 Stories from the Fountain of Life with Aisha Gray Henry

Summary: Stories from the Fountain of Life with Aisha Gray Henry

We tap into stories from The Fountain of Life in this timeless conversation with ʿĀʾisha Gray Henry, bridging luminaries of our time into present time. Layered with an undertone of radiating brilliance, a merciful, enduring, undercurrent invites us to turn our attention toward our own fiṭra (فطره) and listen, acutely, through the heart to find secret truths of stories, symbolism, and mystical teachings blossoming.

ʿĀʾisha Gray Henry is the Founder and Director of the charitable foundation and publishing company Fons Vitae (The Fountain of Life). She is also an American writer, filmmaker, and ʿIslāmic scholar of her own merit. Influenced by the works of ʿImām al-Ghazālī, it’s been her life’s mission to....

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